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Monday, December 17, 2018

What Will Make Your Money Stick

I love traveling, but I also super love coming home! Especially to a place I have created that I love and where I feel great! I have been enjoying getting back into my regular self-care routine, working out and drinking green smoothies! No matter how hard I try to eat well, workout and moderate while I travel, I still come home feeling a little off. Managing expectations and realizing I will; A) drink more wine then usual, B) see more people than usual which is fun but does take extra energy, and C) not workout quite as much. Which is ALL okay. Let's cut ourselves an extra break this week in ALL areas of life. Here is a pic of Roxy the day after we got back :-) Walking her and being on the beach are two of my most favorite things to do. I hope you have a great weekend doing what you love too.

If you are having trouble getting your money to "stick", meaning it's not such an issue bringing it in, but more making it stay, then you will like this week's article! Read on to learn how to make it stick.

So what's preventing your money from sticking? Well, deep down you still have a block to creating the ultimate success level you desire for yourself. You do not believe you are worthy enough at a deep core level. Want to know a little secret? Most people do not feel good enough. It's the ego. That part of our mind telling us we're not good enough, smart enough, successful enough, etc. That when we hit X level we'll finally have made it and can feel good enough, only to find out we still do not feel good enough when we hit that amount. If we're in that place of never enough, we will never BE enough, then never creating enough. Many people create "just enough" regardless of the level they reach. We need to become aware of that thinking at the core and start moving it to a new and empowered thought system.

What's in your bank account directly reflects how you feel about yourself. Now, the amount you decide on is subjective. You get to decide what you want. Please do not pay any attention to people in this industry saying you have to be at X amount to be successful, or have X amount in the bank. It's up to you how much money you would like to earn and have in your bank account. It all comes down to what feels good and exciting for you. Be mindful of comparisons to others. This is about YOUR best life and no one else's. If you are not where you want to BE though, there is something else going on at a core level.

I also do not think most people are wired to ask for more than they need. There is some kind of guilty going on deep down. Like they will be a bad person if they ask for more. So they are in a perpetual slump of always having "just enough". Just enough to cover their current expenses and nothing more for things like traveling, saving and reaching their BIG lifestyle dreams. Oddly, as their business grows, so do their expenses, and even though they have more money, they still stay in "just enough" mode.

Here are some things to consider in order to break this pattern.

1. Know your numbers! You can not get to where you want to go, if you do not take a good look at where you are. Most business owners shy away from this and it's a huge disadvantage to their growth. What you track grows (because it's in the forefront of your awareness and focus). If you can look at it without judgment, you can use it just as a gauge as to how things are going. If you take it personally, which most people do mean it triggers poor feelings about themselves, then you definitely will not want to look at it. Because it does not feel good. How can you become empowered with where you are? In Rhonda Byrne's book the Power, she talks about having gratitude for paying your bills and what they have enabled you to do. Saying thank-you to your utility bills and even credit cards! What have opportunities have they allowed you?

2. Know you are not a bad person. Maybe you've made some poor choices, but look instead at what you have learned and how you can do things differently moving forward. You are in control. This becomes empowering.

3. Pay yourself first! So many people do not do this! They make sure everything and everyone else is covered first! This relates directly back to self-worth. Respect yourself enough to pay yourself first. If you do not take of you, who will? I recommend starting off with 10% of every dollar coming in off the top (gross).

4. Put this money aside in some type of savings that actually earns you money on your investment, and only touch it for appreciating assets. In other words, do not spend it on depreciating assets like things like cars and household emergencies. Another savings account can be set up for those types of expenses if you like. A client of mine calls this type of savings her Freedom Fund, and I just love that! It is helping her create freedom and has made saving a very empowered process as a result. I learned recently about a great investment platform, and I am going to introduce it very soon via webinar training so that you too can see if this is the right strategy for you. Stay tuned!

5. Have fun and watch it grow!

Characteristics of a Good Automotive Repair Mechanic

Knowledgeable on various auto parts.

This is perhaps the most basic characteristic that any auto mechanic should have. Lots of different auto parts are out in the market today. And because we, as car owners, do not need to possess the sufficient knowledge when it comes to vehicle parts, we will inevitably depend on the expertise of our mechanic. A simple trick to determine if your chosen car specialist really knows his business is to ask him to differentiate a few parts and gauge whether he is confidently answering your question or is just making his way around.

Diverse background on automotive repair experiences.

Years ago when the makes of our vehicles were much simpler, any mechanic would have been okay. But with today's high-tech and complex vehicles including family sedans, sports and luxury cars, SUVs, and pick-up trucks, we need someone who has a diverse background in automotive repair services. Mistakes have no room when it comes to automative repair as these will only make things even more expensive. Choose a mechanic who has certificates of training programs and classes that he has attended. The mechanic's time spent in studying as well as in the actual practice of automotive repair is very advantageous for us car owners.

ASE certified to be an automotive repair professional.

Speaking of certificates, despite the most famous and widely recognized one, when it comes to professionals in the automotive industry is the ASE certification. Annually, an estimated 100,000 automotive technicians take ASE certification exams each May and November at over 750 locations.

With an ASE certification, we are assured that our mechanic has good background in all automotive services because an AS certification requires a minimum of two years work experience in addition to passing a series of examinations that include Engine Repair, Engine Performance, Electrical / Electronic Systems , Brakes, Heating and Air Conditioning, Suspension and Steering, Manual Drive Train and Axles, and Automatic Transmissions for auto technicians alone. There are separate tests for those who want to have collision repair technicians, engine machinists, parts specialists, and others.

Furthermore, all ASE certificates have expiration dates which requires technicians to re-test every five years to keep up with technology and to remain certified.

Works in a reputable auto center.

Unfortunately, ASE certifications apply only to individuals and not to auto centers. However, an auto center with at least one ASE certified mechanic is allowed to display the ASE sign. Furthermore, an auto center that has 75% ASE certified mechanisms amongst its employees are given the Blue Seal of Excellence from the ASE.

Aside from the ASE recognition, other signs that we should look for an auto center include neat and well-organized facility complete with modern equipment, courteous staff, and good policies (regarding labor rates, diagnostic fees, guarantees, etc.)

Highly recommended by family and friends.

Nothing can attest to the quality service that any auto center and mechanic can give than testimonials of our family members, relatives, and friends. Ask for referrals and recommendations. Local community organizations and business listings are also good sources of information.

A Guide For How To Pick An Online Poker Site For New Players

If you have decided that you would like give online poker a try, you will be faced with a lot of different choices where to play. As a beginner, you should pick the poker site where you will get the most bang for your buck. When deciding where to play, the following six items are what you should be looking for in a poker site:

1. Wide variety of poker games - Whether you want to play Texas Hold'em, 7-Card Stud, 5-Card Draw or Omaha, the poker site you select should offer all of these games and more.

2. Low stakes for beginners - The best poker sites offer real money betting stakes as low as $ 0.02, which is very affordable for beginning players as they learn.

3. First time deposit bonuses - Most sites will give you a cash bonus when you deposit real money for the first time for trying their site. The requirement usually is that you play a set number of hands, then the bonus money is yours to keep.

4. Frequent reload deposit bonuses - The best sites will also offer periodic reload deposit bonuses. These work like the first time deposit bonus and all you need to do is deposit money into your account and you will be offered another cash bonus.

5. VIP Club and Benefits - The best poker sites have VIP clubs where you are rewarded for your frequent pay. The benefits offered vary and often include things like computer equipment, i-pods, clothing and gift certificates.

6. Large numbers of players - The best sites have a large number of players who call the site their home for poker, ensuring that there will always be a game ready and waiting when you want to play any time of the day. A site with a lot of players is a strong indicator of a good poker site.

When you find a site with these six characteristics, you will have found a top notch poker site to call home!

Extend Your Garage Door's Service With Simple Maintenance

Maintenance and service are important to prolong the use of your devices. If you can keep it long-repeating then you are actually saving your money. Maintaining garage door opener is not difficult. We have some tips below that you can apply.

There is one important thing you should keep in mind. If you find some problems, repair them soon. Or, if you have no time to do it now, then leave the garage door opener non-active until you are ready to do the repair. Firstly, uninstall the opener from the door. You can do manual operation temporarily until it is repaired.

Then you need to do some checking on the door, find whether it is still in balance or not. Check the tracks. If you find some disordered tracks, just straighten them by loosing the screws which keep the tracks to brackets or those which secure the brackets to the opening part. Fix the track with some fasteners so that it keeps on its place.

You can take some cloth or soft brush to clean the tracks. Pick some automotive degreaser and spray it on the tracks. After that, rub them with the cloth. It is important to clean the tracks to ease the door's move. Also, we strongly suggest that you get some lubricant and apply it to the roller-wheel bearings. You can find special lubricant for garage door easily at home store.

If there is a problem on the sensor, repair it soon. Firstly, you need to reset the unit. Shut it off for a while. Then restore the electricity to the door opener. Also, you can check the wiring which connects the sensor to the opener and see if they get loose connections. Or, you might consider using a voltmeter to do this testing. It is strongly recommended that you soon replace the broken parts. Hopefully, this article can be useful for you to have garage door with best service. You can do it by your self that you do not need to ask any service and maintenance agency.

Trading Forex Automatically - Can it Be Done?

The main reason most people fail in forex trading is because they are human and suffer from such human emotions as anger, frustration and greed. Plus, as humans we suffer from tiredness, as the forex market runs 24 hours a day, this is quite reasonable, so the idea of an automated computer trading system is quite a realistic notion.

One of the most popular automated systems is the Forex Funnel, with this you do get a 60 day money back guarantee, so if it doesn't work, send it back. This software will keep a close eye on the 24 hour market for you, if it sees a profitable trend going bad, it will sell for you. If it sees a trend start to become profitable it will buy into it for you, depending on how much money you have given it to work with. This system won't make you rich overnight, neither will you lose everything overnight, it trades in the low risk/low rewards markets. Making a small but steady profit every day.

Another automated forex trading system is called Forex Tracer. Yes, like them all, it can make small losses on your part, they all do. It will however, make you a steady but small income every month. None of these computer systems will turn you into a millionaire overnight, if they say they can, you can be sure, they are a scam. The only way they could do that is if they could tell the future, which they can not. After all, forex trading is simply gambling on the foreign exchange market.

All that these forex trading systems do is help you to cut your losses quicker, and stop you from making the mistakes that you as a human are so very likely to make. Because you are human.

Affordable Garage Door Repair Services

The garage door is practically the largest moving object in a home. It therefore calls for proper care and maintenance if at all it is to serve its intended purpose effectively. The maintenance will also add longevity and reliability to the doors. There are very good companies that offer repair services. The companies will simply take care of any repairs that are needed. These companies also offer other garage door services such as new door installation and installation of garage door openers. When you find a good company, you can enjoy all the services that you need with your door without moving from one company to another.

Garage door problems can result from different reasons. The spring and rollers for instance, can break or snap as a result of age. The doors can also get squeaky and unstable over a period of frequent use hence requiring repairs. It is also common to run into the door by accident or incidents where the doors get stuck and won't move. The repairs will therefore accommodate different needs, including he repairs and replacements of door essentials such as cables, rollers and springs.

How are the repairs done?

The professionals will start by examining the garage door to really identify the source of the problem that you are facing. They then will recommend the best solutions since there might be need to replace some parts. If you are working with a good repair company, you will be provided the hardware options that you need to have the problem solved. The door issues are usually not that extensive unless you are having the entire door replaced. You therefore can expect the repairs to be completed in a couple of hours depending on the extent of the damage and the labor that is needed to have it running.

When going for new garage door installations, the options are numerous. The companies offer anything from traditional overhead doors to powder coated doors and steel or wood carriage door styles. These are options for residential settings. For commercial settings, they will offer rolling steel, sectional doors, dock equipment, counter shutters and access systems. During the repairs, therefore, you can have any other garage door enhancements done to make your life much easier. You can for instance, have door openers installed to offer you keyless entry through transmitters and receivers.

Finding the Best Repair Services

The simplest way of choosing a good repair company is by looking at the services that it has for you. A good and professional company will not offer the repairs alone. With the knowledge it is supposed to have on garage doors, it should be in a position to offer you other services including installing new doors or installation of openers and other services associated with doors. Through the services, you can tell how much of the company knows hence you will find it easy to trust it in delivering quality services relating to your specific needs.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

A National Criminal Background Check Can Save You Time And Money

A background check will be able to deal with numerous areas of a person's background, which suggests a check may be run in numerous different situations. You can, for example, employ a background check to determine whether or not someone has a criminal history as well as if they are on the sex offender registry. When you are new to a location or even if you or your family is spending a lot of time with certain people, this information can be very important. A background check is sometimes exactly the thing that you need to safeguard yourself and your family from unknown and possibly hazardous circumstances. Many of us interact with such large numbers of individuals on a regular basis that sometimes we decide to put ourselves directly into coexistence with individuals that may represent a risk. Without taking the time to perform an investigation, just how would anyone possibly know for sure?

A possible use for a background check is on loved ones and relatives. This may feel like a drastic step to some, but the fact is that when you have cause for concern, a person can check on your partner or your in-laws and even find out if there is something that they have been trying to conceal, or sometimes when they have gotten anything in their past which could cause you hardship in your future. Sometimes we could very well be related to take a look directly onto a person's background, however when our families' well being is actually on the line, the actual question should be: just how do we not make time to do a background check? If you are actually worried about guarding yourself and your family, you must arm yourself with the most relevant and up-to-date data out there.

In a perfect world, a background check would not ever be important. Sadly, this is not even close a perfect world, and there are lots of people out there that have a criminal record and people that are predisposed to wrinkting conduct. The only way to really protect ourselves is to recognize ahead of time what threats might be living close to us. There is lots of information a background check probably will not discover, of course. There are plenty of privacy laws that have been enacted to ensure that no one's privacy can be violated during a check such as this. Even so, if they have done something that is on a criminal record, you can obtain comprehensive access to that record.

Whether you are mere moving into an area or starting a career with a whole lot of new people, you have to know for sure what you are getting yourself into. In the event that there are risks to your family staying in the neighborhood, you can make sure your children keep away from these areas, and if you're getting involved with somebody special, you can be sure they say they are are. There are numerous different situations when it's sensible to use a background check. Think about a blind date. You have no idea what kind of past that man or woman has, and it only becomes more frightening if you met on the internet. Just what do you really know about them? The majority of blind dates are awkward by nature, but what if he or she has a criminal background? This is where you go from awkward straight to unsafe.