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Friday, January 4, 2019

What Type Of Life Insurance Is Best?

Life Insurance (although it should not be) is to this day a very controversial issue. There seems to be a lot of different types of life insurance out there, but there are really only two kinds. They are Term Insurance and Whole Life (Cash Value) Insurance. Term Insurance is pure insurance. It protects you over a certain period of time. Whole Life Insurance is insurance plus a side account known as cash value. Generally speaking, consumer reports recommend term insurance as the most economic choice and they have for some time. But still, whole life insurance is the most prevalent in today's society. Which one should we buy?

Let's talk about the purpose of life insurance. Once we get the proper purpose of insurance down to a science, then everything else will fall into place. The purpose of life insurance is the same purpose as any other type of insurance. It is to "insure against loss of". Car insurance is to insure your car or someone else's car in case of an accident. So in other words, since you probably could not pay for the damage yourself, insurance is in place. Home owners insurance is to insure against loss of your home or items in it. So since you probably could not pay for a new house, you buy an insurance policy to cover it.

Life insurance is the same way. It is to insure against loss of your life. If you had a family, it would be impossible to support them after you died, so you buy life insurance so that if something were to happen to you, your family could replace your income. Life insurance is not to make you or your descendants rich or give them a reason to kill you. Life insurance is not to help you retire (or else it would have called retirement insurance)! Life insurance is to replace your income if you die. But the wicked ones have made us believe otherwise, so that they can overcharge us and sell all kinds of other things to us to get paid.

How Does Life Insurance Work?

Rather than make this complicated, I will give a very simple explanation on how and what goes down in an insurance policy. As a matter of fact, it will be over simplified because we would otherwise be here all day. This is an example. Let's say that you are 31 years old. A typical term insurance policy for 20 years for $ 200,000 would be about $ 20 / month. Now ... if you wanted to buy a whole life insurance policy for $ 200,000 you might pay $ 100 / month for it. So instead of charging you $ 20 (which is the true cost) you will be overcharged by $ 80, which will then be put into a savings account.

Now, this $ 80 will continue to accumulate in a separate account for you. Typically speaking, if you want to get some of your money out of the account, you can then BORROW IT from the account and pay it back with interest. Now ... let's say you were to take $ 80 dollars a month and give it to your bank. If you went to withdraw the money from your bank account and they told you that you had to BORROW your own money from them and pay it back with interest, you would probably go clean upside someone's head. But somehow, when it comes to insurance, this is okay

This stems from the fact that most people do not realize that they are borrowing their own money. The "agent" (of the insurance Matrix) rarely will explain it that way. You see, one of the ways that companies get rich, is by getting people to pay them, and then turn around and borrow their own money back and pay more interest! Home equity loans are another example of this, but that is a whole different sermon.

Deal or No Deal

Let us stick with the previous illustration. Let us say the one thousand 31 year olds (all in good health) bought the aforementioned term policy (20 years, $ 200,000 dollars at $ 20 / month). If these people were paying $ 20 / month, that is $ 240 per year. If you take that and multiply it over the 20 year term then you will have $ 4800. So each individual will pay $ 4800 over the life of the term. Since one thousand individuals bought the policy, they will end up paying 4.8 million in premiums to the company. The insurance company has already calculated that around 20 people with good health (between the ages of 31 and 51) will die. So if 20 people pass away, then the company will have to pay out 20 x $ 200,000 or $ 4,000,000. So, if the company pays out $ 4,000,000 and takes in $ 4,800,000 it will then make a $ 800,000 profit.

This is of course OVER simplifying because a lot of people will cancel the policy (which will also bring down the number of death claims paid), and some of those premiums can be used to accumulate interest, but you can get a general idea of ​​how things work.

On the other hand, let's look at whole life insurance. Let us say the one thousand 31 year olds (all in good health) bought the aforementioned whole life policy ($ 200,000 dollars at $ 100 / month). These people are paying $ 100 / month. That is $ 1200 per year. If the average person's lifespan (in good health people) goes to 75, then on average, the people will pay 44 years worth of premiums. If you take that and multiply it by $ 1200 you will get $ 52,800. So each individual will pay $ 52,800 over the life of the policy. Since one thousand individuals bought the policy, they will end up paying 52.8 million in premiums to the company. If you buy a whole life policy, the insurance company has already calculated the probability that you will die. What is that probability? 100%, because it is a whole life (till death do us part) insurance policy! This means that if everyone kept their policies, the insurance company would have to pay out 1000 x $ 200,000 = $ 2,000,000,000) That's right, two billion dollars!

Ladies and gentleman, how can a company afford to pay out two billion dollars knowing that it will only take in 52.8 million? Now just like in the previous example, this is an oversimplification as policies will lapse. As a matter of fact, MOST whole life policies do lapse because people can not afford them, I hope you see my point. Let's take the individual. A 31 year old male bought a policy in which he is suppose to pay in $ 52,800 and get $ 200,000 back? There is no such thing as a free lunch. The company somehow has to weasel $ 147,200 out of him, JUST TO BREAK EVEN on this policy! Not to mention, pay the agents (who get paid much higher bills on whole life policies), underwriters, insurance fees, advertising fees, 30 story buildings ... etc, etc.

This does not even take into account these variable life and universal life policies that claim to be so good for your retirement. So you are going to pay $ 52,800 into a policy and this policy will make you rich, AND pay you the $ 200,000 death benefit, AND pay the agents, staff and fees? This has to be a rip off.

Well, how could they rip you off? Maybe for the first five years of the policy, no cash value will accruate (you may want to check your policy). Maybe it's misrepresenting the value of the return (this is easy if the customer is not knowledgeable on exactly how investments work). Also, if you read my article on the Rule of 72 you can clearly see that giving your money to someone else to invest can lose you millions! You see, you may pay in $ 52,800 but that does not take into account how much money you LOSE by not investing it yourself! This is regardless of how well your agent may tell you the company will invest your money! Plain and simple, they have to get over on you somehow or they would go out of business!

How long do you need life insurance?

Let me explain what is called The Theory of Decreasing Responsibility, and maybe we can answer this question. Let's say that you and your spouse just got married and have a child. Like most people, when they are young they are also crazy, so they go out and buy a new car and a new house. Now, here you are with a young child and debt up to the neck! In this particular case, if one of you were to pass away, the loss of income would be devastating to the other spouse and the child. This is the case for life insurance. BUT, this is what happens. You and your spouse begin to pay off that debt. Your child gets older and less dependent on you. You start to build up your assets. Keep in mind that I am talking about REAL assets, not fake or phantom assets like equity in a home (which is just a fixed interest rate credit card)

In the end, the situation is like this. The child is out of the house and no longer dependent on you. You do not have any debt. You have enough money to live off, and pay for your funeral (which now costs thousands of dollars because the DEATH INDUSTRY has found new ways to make money by having people spend more honor and money on a person after they die then they did while that person was alive). So ... at this point, what do you need insurance for? Exactly ... absolutely nothing! So why would you buy Whole Life (aka DEATH) Insurance? The idea of ​​a 179 year old person with grown children who do not depend on him / her still paying insurance premiums is asine to say the least.

As a matter of fact, the need for life insurance could have been greatly decreed and quickly eliminated, if one would learn not to accumulate liabilities, and quickly accumulate wealth first. But I realize that this is almost impossible for most people in this materialistic, Middle Classed matrixed society. But anyway, let's take it a step further.

Confused Insurance Policies

This next statement is very obvious, but very substantial. Living and dying are exact opposites of each other. Why do I say this? The purpose of investing is to accumulate enough money in case you live to retire. The purpose of buying insurance is to protect your family and loved ones if you die before you can retire. These are two diametrically opposed actions! So, if an "agent" waltzes into your home selling you a whole life insurance policy and telling you that it can insure your life AND it can help you retire, your Red Pill Question should be this:

"If this plan will help me retire securely, why will I always need insurance? And on the other hand, if I will be broke enough later on in life that I will still need insurance, then how is this a good retirement plan?"

Now if you ask an insurance agent those questions, she / he may become confused. This of course comes from selling confused policies that do two opposites at once.

Norman Dacey said it best in the book "What's Wrong With Your Life Insurance"

"No one could ever quarrel with the idea of ​​providing protection for one's family while at the same time accumulating a fund for some such purpose as education or retirement. But if you try to do both of these jobs through the medium of one insurance policy, it is inevitable that both jobs will be done badly. "

So you see, even though there are a lot of new variations of whole life, like variable life and universal life, with various bells and whistles (claiming to be better than the original, typical whole life policies), the Red Pill Question must always be asked! If you are going to buy insurance, then buy insurance! If you are going to invest, then invest. It's that simple. Do not let an insurance agent trick you into buying a whole life policy based on the assumption that you are too incompetent and undisciplined to invest your own money.

If you are afraid to invest your money because you do not know how, then educate yourself! It may take some time, but it is better than giving your money to somebody else so they can invest it for you (and get rich with it). How can a company be profitable when it takes the money from it's customers, invests it, and turns around and gives it's customers all of the profits?

And do not fall for the old "What if the runs runs out and you can not get re-insured trick". Listen, there are a lot of term policies out there that are guaranteed renewable until old age (75-100). Yes, the price is a lot higher, but you must realize that if you buy a whole life policy, you will have been duped out of even more money by the time you get to that point (if that even happens). This is also yet another reason to be smart with your money. Do not buy confused policies.

How much should you buy?

I normally recommend 8-10 times your annual income as a good face amount for your insurance. Why so high? Here is the reason. Let's say that you make $ 50,000 per year. If you were to pass away, your family could take $ 500,000 ($ 10 times $ 50,000) and put it into a fund that pays 10 percent (which will give them $ 40,000 per year) and not touch the principle. So what you have done is replaced your income.

This is another reason why Whole Life insurance is bad. It is impossible to afford the amount of insurance you need trying to buy super high priced policies. Term insurance is much cheaper. To add to this, do not let high face values ​​scare you. If you have a lot of liabilities and you are worried about your family, it is much better to be underinsured than to have no insurance at all. Buy what you can manage. Do not get sold what you can not manage.

Gymnastics Schools - 60 Ideas for Great Customer Service

Way to shut the Back Door

1. Friendly, knowledgeable persons answering phone and front desk 12 hours a day. Have no automated service with Four lines, message on hold, and friendly short voice mail.
2. Web page updated every Friday
3. Sign in front of building has to be good!
4. Spend money on things like annual flowers outside
5. Canopy on your building so kids will not get wet when knocked off
6. New Student checklist along with lesson confirmation card.
7. Get up and open door if a mother has a stroller, or carrying babies.
8. Greet everyone, even if on the phone, who enters the door -know names of new customers.
9. Same desk person every week and have front desk person involved in themes. They can wear leis, witch's hats.
10. Say goodbye and thanks for coming
11. Nametags out for new child and a child in a makeup.
12. Introduction of class theme, and review at the end for the parents!
13. Money back guarantee
14. Free trial classes
15. Video brochure
16. Encourage free tour and class placement
17. Referral payment $ 10.00
18. Makeup reminder cards
19. Unlimited make-ups in spring and summer
20. Dress code reminder cards
21. Parent handbook, so they understand the policies
22. Post class interaction with new Mom
23. Eyes taped to forehead first day-must look enthusiastic
24. Start on time, and finish on time
25. Joiner call-ask Mom how the child liked the class and review main policies
26. "Glad you could join us" postcard
27. I spend $ 300 for magazines for the parents (watch your image, suggestions-Christian, Parenting, Parents, Baby, Cat Fancy, Sports Illustrated, ESPN)
28. "Missed you" phone call
29. Bounce back coupon-ask them to return and give them an incentive
30. Appreciation coupon
31. Birthday card
32. Daily postcards
33. Postcard when ring the bell
34. Birthday bulletin board
35. Lesson plan logic bulletin board
36. Staff photos and bio bulletin board
37. Anniversary with gym card
38. Call if ice bag ,ries, having troubles
39. No hassle refunds
40. Graduation certificate
41. Preschool parent exchange
42. Holiday cards in mail
43. Thank you notes
44. Get well cards
45. Offer babysitting for siblings during parent and tot classes
46. ​​Mom and tot class videos for christmas
47. PapaBear night-a special open gym just for the kids and the Dads
48. Mothers' Day appreciation week
49. Speakers at your gym (Policeman, fireman, nutritionist)
50. Photos you take in class-mail to them
51. Business card bulletin board for members only
52. $ 5.00 off appreciation coupon / 20 per month
53. List of mothers and children's names to classes
54. Use their names!
55. Notice new hair-do, nice outfit, new car
56. Send baby cards, sympathy, thinking of you
57. Under promise and over deliver
58. Backs and cushions on bleachers
59. Clean bathrooms with diaper changing table, extra toilet paper, tampon container
60. Air fresheners through the gym


• What gets measured gets done. Ask how you're doing in person and in surveys.
• Disney says, "Wrap an experience around a service transaction."
• Think relationships!

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Ways to Make Money Online at Home

There are many methods that you can use so as to work from home. The internet offers great potential in this area and more and more people are enjoying lucrative returns from online ventures. A home based business offers great comfort, especially when it supplies you with the kind of returns that you may have always wanted. Some of the things that you can engage in may be long-term or short term and they include:

Writing and selling EBooks

If your writing is great and you have great prose, then you may consider writing an eBook. The market has become planned, so choosing a great niche is still important. Typically, the books that help people learn more about technical topics are still great sellers. This is an amazing way to make passive income. There are different platforms where you can sell the eBooks. It does not require a lot of money, but you will need to invest time when writing and when marketing them.


EBooks are losing popularity and people are now trying out the audio books. People today prefer the audio and visual as they are more convenient, especially when there are technical subjects involved. It is a smart thing to start out with an eBook and then turn it to audio buy using various resources. You can make use of royalty share program to get a producer so that you do not need to use too much cash when starting out.

Create apps

Creating an app is technical and it is only best suited for people with such skills. It takes a significant amount of time. Apps can be a great way to make some income, especially if they are created in the correct manner. With so many people using smartphones today, you need a great app that will attract a great number of them. If you have money but no skills, you may choose to hire someone to assist in the creation. Market research is required if you are to come up with an app that will sell.

Mechanical Turk

These are usually the micro jobs that you can carry out for people. These are usually tasks that are very simple and they can be done by just anyone. They pay little but if you are able to do a lot of these jobs for people who pay well, you can be able to make some money online.


You may have some sort of experience that is professional in different areas such as SEO training, web development, social media marketing, accounting, design and so on. You may handle different valuable services that you can up-sell so as to make money for every gig. There are different providers in this area and in such platforms; it is possible to sell a great number of products and services. Find out exactly what it is that you can offer people so as to start generating money.

Sell ​​services professionally

There are other platforms that offer some great resources when it comes to the sale of professional services. With experience in a certain field, you can sell services on different platforms. Selling is difficult and getting reviews and building a track record takes time.

Computer Network Engineering Learning Choices

Computers are relied on to complete the day-to-day technological functions of a business. The maintenance of a businesses computer system is essential and without it operations would be hindered. The education required to be able to successfully work with a business in this capacity is gained through a computer network engineering degree program.

The main focus is to be able to create, maintain, repair, and update a computers network. The network is what links the information and data utilized by employees of a business. Employees use networks to perform their job and be able to fulfill their part in the businesses mission. Learning choices teach students everything from learning how to repair, create, research, and design a network system. Four primary options are available and students can work through any one of them to enter a career. The degree choices include:

* Associate's Degree in Computer Network Engineering

Students work through a two-year program where they learn how to work with computer technology. High emphasis is placed on understanding how to install, manage, operate, and fix a computers network. Wired and wireless networks are focused on to teach students how to understand the link between computers. Coursework teachers students how to perform these duties in light of the hardware and software used to create a network.

* Bachelor's Degree in Computer Network Engineering

This degree is typically the starting point for most students. This four-year degree has students studying how to create and operate networks. The focus of education is to give students advanced methodology to work with computers in this capacity. Computer architecture, microprocessor design, database design, and electronic transmission are some courses that develop the needed skills for students. These courses teach students to use computer software to design networks that can store and communicate electronically.

* Master's Degree in Computer Network Engineering

Once enrolled in a master's degree program students can choose a concentration that enables them to enter upper-level careers. Database design and administration topics are covered thoroughly to prepare students to design all types of networks. The technology and procedures to design advanced networks is covered through courses on information theory, optimization, coding, and transmission. The work required to understand computer architecture and network development is learned at this level.

* PhD in Computer Network Engineering

Education is centered on the concepts to design and contribute to research for networking systems. The advanced knowledge gained has students preparing for upper-level careers. Network software testing, quality assurance, research, advanced design, and more have students working towards facilitating the development and creation of networks.

Students can expect a wide selection of career options to be waiting for them after finishing an accredited degree program. Full accreditation is provided by agencies such as the Accreditation Commission of Career Schools and Colleges ( ) to schools and colleges that offer the quality education students need. Colleges encourage students to seek out all the learning options before entering a program. Find the right program now and start learning how to create a computer network.

Work From Home And Make Money With Your Own Online Business

Start Your Own Online Business- Top Reasons Why You Should

It isn't easy to start an online business. Some people may lie to you and say it is the easiest thing they have ever done, but they are being at best unrealistic. Running an online business is as the name implies, "a business that is online". So there are certain rules you must follow in order to earn cash online (and do it the right way).

Even though there are challenges to running a business online there are benefits to it as well. In my view it is better to start a business online. Below I have listed some of the top reasons I believe this to be true.

The Traditional Way To Get Cash Is Becoming Outdated

There are a lot of people who have great ideas, but can never seem to the get them off of the ground. Many times this is due to lack of resources or the ability to properly fund their business. With the traditional business model there is normally a substantial investment. An internet business does not require this major investment (though there could be a small one).

Using the example of a brick and mortar store an owner must invest in their business only to have their money at times locked in the business itself for years. Many times it takes years for the store owner to recuperate their entire investment. With an online business model you would have less overhead and other means to store your inventory (such as drop shipping or as an affiliate). This means that inventory is not a requirement allowing you to ship product upon demand versus investing in the goods upfront.

Each Industry Dictates It's Threshold To Make Money

Certain industries require you to invest money to make money. Depending upon the industry itself starting small may be out of the question. The reason? In order to compete you must be competitive. To be competitive in the traditional sense may require a significant investment of funds from the beginning. This is not even mentioning physical location(s), staff and security issues.

However, a home based business that exists on the internet can grow as you grow. We all want to grow. With a smaller investment you can leverage your advantage for greater profits. If staff is required, the positions are minimal and physical security becomes one less thing for you to worry about (especially if you are an affiliate or you don't house your products in-house).

The Internet Is Becoming The Standard For Communicating A Business

The day is coming where if you're not online you don't exist. Even traditional brick and mortar organizations are now vying for a presence on the web.

The level of innovation new technologies are providing the entrepreneur online are endless. You are limited by your imagination and ambition.

With the internet you can make as much or as little as you want. This is determined by your willingness and effort to take your business to the next level. Will you press forward the wheel of innovation a success and become the next internet millionaire (or billionaire)? Or maybe you're not as ambitious and are only looking to take care of your needs (and maybe your families too)? An online business can provide you with this ability.

How To Become A Qualified Electrician

In many countries, there are strict qualifications you need before you can conduct any electrical work. In order to secure an apprenticeship you will want to complete some training to ensure you can give clients with a safe and effective service that they can trust.

As an electrician you will be required to install and test electrical wiring and equipment. You will also be asked to keep up these electrical items, along with appliances and fixtures in both commercial and residential properties. As you gain knowledge and become more experienced you will need to assess plans and wiring layouts in homes and offices.

An electrician is also responsible for fitting circuit breakers and fuse boxes, while installing and testing wiring and laying cables plus so much more. As you can imagine, this being one of the most highly paid and in demand trades, you will need to meet the very strict qualifications requirements to give any of the above services at any time during your career.

There are many courses and workshops that you will want to complete. You can view these online and find which one to start with. You can start with a basic introductory course and then complete your NVQ level two and three, which is industry recognised, so you can start completing this electrical work on your own without the help or supervision of an experienced electrician.

The majority of the training you will receive will be work based. Most electricians secure an apprenticeship to start. This gives them the practical knowledge while they study and gain their qualification. The benefit to an apprenticeship is that you gain hands on knowledge, so you are able to get a good understanding of the job and the work involved, along with insider knowledge on wiring, appliances and other electrical requirements that you may be asked to complete from time to time.

Once you have qualified, it is advisable to get accredited with one of the recognised electrical bodies. In the event you choose to go on your own and open your own company, this can be a beneficial choice. Potential clients can rely on these bodies to gain insight into your company, enabling them to use your services with complete peace of mind.

It is very important when you want to know how to become a qualified electrician that you choose a training company that can give you the courses and workshops you need throughout your career, so you can constantly advance in your career with the most up to date knowledge and skills at all times.

Ideally try to choose a course that provides in-class study and not online. You may think online is more practical in the long run, but with in-class training you gain valuable insider information from qualified professionals, which can help you understand what is expected of you and what to do when working in the field.

Choose a few training companies. This way you can compare them against each other to find the one you feel is the right match for you. If you can find a good company now to train with and they offer a range of electrical courses, then you will be able to use them time and time again in the future without having to research and compare training specialists moving forward.

Everything You Need To Know About Driving Lessons

Are you planning to purchase a car now? Well, then you must learn how to drive before your very own car starts its journey on the streets. You must have always dreamt about owning your own car. So, it would be really sad if you have to let anyone else to drive your dream car on the very first day. You must take driving lessons before your new car reaches your home. This will also spare you the horror of searching for a good driver who will handle your car with proper care. These days it is very difficult to find trustworthy chauffeur on whom you can rely on with your convertible. Hence, it would be better if you are behind the steering when your car hits on the streets.

It is not at all difficult to learn driving and pass the test. All you need to do is join a good driving school where you will learn the basics of driving. The duration to finish a driving course totally depends on you and your ability to learn. Apart from this, the driving instructor also plays a very important role. You will have to choose the kind of driving lesson you want. It can be an extensive driving program lasting several weeks or can be a short and intensive course of driving.

You can even hire a private instruction for the lessons. But make sure that the driving instructor is well experienced and has a good reputation in this field. Your instructor will boost up your confidence and help you prepare for the driving test, hazard perception so that you will be ready to take charge behind the wheels. Driving lessons will not be complete in real sense unless you pass your driving test. As there are numerous types of driving schools today, you must also choose the appropriate school and driving course.

There are even some online driving schools too, from where you can learn driving just by sitting at your home. In this case, the certificates are mailed once your course is over. It becomes difficult to choose from so many courses of driving sometimes. So firstly, you need to gather a bit of information about all the courses. If you want driving license urgently, the intensive driving lesson is just perfect for you. You will not have to undergo a long training program and will be taught everything regarding driving within a shorter span of time. So, before purchasing your own cars make sure you have been to a driving school.