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Friday, March 15, 2019

How to Pray and Receive a New Car - Within 4 Weeks!

Last month, one of my readers needed a new

car. He asked the LORD for it. And the Lord

answered and showed him this beautiful,

new SUV.

Only problem was: he had no money to

buy it.

He asked me if I had prayer points to

release the car.

I gave him my closely guarded recipe

(one that I used personally to attract

my new car and my new house).

Here it is:

1. Pray the prayer of a DOER according

to Phil.4:13 (A friend just christened it,

"The 6 little prayers that move mountains")

2. Say to the Holy Spirit

- I really desire this car

- but the money is not yet in my

bank account

- how can I create value for OTHERS so

that I'll be compensated and I can

buy this car?

3. Then the Holy Spirit will

- lead you to go out

- create value

- trade that value for money

- trade that money for the car

Rapid Result

- he was able to create a useful product

- sell it and get the money to buy the



Everyone has benefited - he's got his dream

car; others are enjoying the product he

created; and the amount of value in the

world has grown for everyone - all within

4 weeks!

In A Nutshell

I have just uncovered to you the

"Secrets" of what is called the

"Prayer of the Doer."

This is a prayer so powerful, it has

been kept under lock and key by veteran

prayer warriors through the ages.

Among the insiders, it is discussed only

in "hushed" tones.

* It is a mysterious prayer that's been

known to turn paupers into millionaires

almost overnight.

* Those who've been tutored on how to apply

it well have been reported to have started

businesses almost out of nothing and grown

them beyond their wildest dreams... in very

short order.

Please go through this little piece again carefully

and let the Holy Spirit speak to your


This is how God wants his children

to create value in our world.

Apply these simple steps diligently and you'll

soon find yourself swimming in the ocean

of abundance.

You can find more information on this

and more in the latest version of

my popular ebook, "Prayer Cookbook for

Busy People." Plus, the prayer points

and WHEN to pray them.

Get it here:

Be blessed!

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Showing Gratitude - How to Be Grateful for Your Happiness

Gratitude begets happiness and happiness leads to gratitude. Gratitude increases happiness and frees or distances one's attention from sadness or negative thoughts and feelings. The more grateful a person is, the happier one becomes. Although happiness naturally comes in response to good times, gratitude for the reasons of such happiness has to be worshiped and practiced as it does not come natural. It is only when the attitude of gratitude is nurtured that it becomes a 'natural' and spontaneous response to happy experiences. So, how can one be grateful for one's happiness? It is by willfully demonstrating gratitude.

There are many ways to show gratitude depending on one's experiences and reasons for happiness. Lists of practical recommendations could me limitless. From experience, let me share easy tips which have helped me feel happier every day even in tough moments.

First, I show my gratitude to God. God already knows what is within my mind and heart and no thoughts or words are sufficient enough to express gratitude but I start my day by kindly thanking God who is the creator of my life and the author of my destiny. I am happy because I have life, I am still alive and journeying through life's roads. How can't I be thankful? So, in prayer, I silently count the blessings I receive and willfully thank in advance for those that have yet to come (which normally come due time). Part of the morning ritual is my prayer of Psalm 103: 1-5:

"Bless the Lord, my soul! Everything in me, bless his holy name!
Bless the Lord, my soul, and forget none of his benefits!
He forgives all your offsets, He heals all your diseases,
He redeems your life from the pit, He surrounds you with grace and compassion,
He contents you with good as long as you live, so that your youth is renewed like an eagle's. "

This prayer captures my gratitude for all that have been and my hopeful yearning for the good things yet to come. It helps me focus on the bright side of life in the light of faith especially when the going gets tough. As I am happy for being blessed, so I thank the prime source of blessings. By so doing, I feel even happier.

Second, I show my gratitude to people. Countless are the reasons for thanking the people who have contributed to make my life better and happier. From simple favours to enforced acts of generosity received, ways of thanking people are many depending on one's creativity. To my beloved ones near me (here in Brazil), hugs and kisses are deeply personal and culturally indispensable. To the ones far and away, messages and calls are a must. And to each one I meet each day, I show smiles, handshakes and hugs loaded with words of appreciation and intentional mention of the reasons I am thankful for. Simple words and gestures are often more than enough to make me and others feel happy and light. And when I can, I return the favors I receive by directly giving them back something or giving something to those who need it most.

Third, I show my gratitude to things. Yes, it is true. Things! Not only thank for them but also to them. Since there are countless things around, I single out some of them and highlight what they positively mean to me depending on the moment. I thank the cool air in the morning, the birds chirping at dawn, the trees that offer shades and filter, the car that takes me to places, the food etc. This practice, weird it may seem, just helps me feel happier through the day. Meanings change depending on how one attaches them to things or situations. I try to be grateful for the positive meanings things might mean to me and others. Otherwise, negativities in meanings and impacts abound to make one's life less of a reason for thanksgiving and joy. Opting for them is also a lifestyle but not worthwhile. Resistance to them is a defense of gratitude and of happiness itself.

Showing gratitude to God, people and things is nothing but a simple and less effortful demonstration of acknowledgment and appreciation for what one is and has become through them. Gratitude seems to cost nothing. More often than not, it costs a lot to one's happiness.

The Secret to Happiness

Happiness is the one thing most people want in life. They desire it above fame and fortune. Even though most people want happiness they are not happy. Are you among those who are looking for happiness, but just can not seem to find it? You try to do everything right, but nothing seems to go right. You are not alone. Many people find them self in the same situation. But do not give up. Happiness is there waiting for you to discover it. It is inside you right now, and nothing can stop you from being happy once you discover the secret.

So what is the secret? It is a decision. The secret to happiness is to decide that you are going to be happy. And the secret to more happiness is to true knowledge. When you apply true knowledge, also called truths, true principals, or natural laws, happiness will be the consequence. It just is. To gain a clearer understanding we need to look at real life situations.

In real life most things that bring unhappiness have to do with our health, relationships with others, and money. The choices you make everyday have consequences that you have no control over. Even though you have no control over the consequences you have 100% control over how you choose to treat your money, people around you, and your health. Each one of these areas have natural laws that govern them and once you learn these laws and put them in practice, the consequences will be greater health, more fulfilling relationships, and financial freedom. All this will make it easier to be happier.

Choose today to be happy. Then learn the truths that will bring the consequences you desire.

Save Time and Money With LED Signage

Communicating with current and potential customers can be among the most expensive activities on which a business sees its money. From indoor and outdoor signage to printed material and even the company website, getting a message out there is rarely cheap. LED scrolling signals are a reliably easy-to-use alternative to some forms of visual communication that can help stretch your advertising dollars.

LED signage can help you save money in three main ways. The first is their reusability. The LED scrolling signs that told your customers about last week's sales special can be reprogrammed to display something completely different this week. In fact, most of them can be programmed to show a rotating cycle of several different messages concurrently. This saves money in materials, such as ordering new point-of-sale displays. It can also save money on the labor costs associated with the sometimes time-consuming process of updating the messages on a conventional sign.

Another reason LED signage like an LED open sign is a good choice over other kinds of illuminated signals is their longevity and low need for maintenance. This is in large part because of how LEDs work. LED stands for Light-Emitting Diode. What's that, you ask? Well, without getting into a technical technical explanation, here's the short version. An LED is an electronic component which glows brightly when electricity passes through it. Since there are no moving parts inside, they do not need much in the way of preventive maintenance. An LED open sign, for example, also consumes far less energy than incandescent lighting, and generates far less heat; therefore, such signs can last far longer than other types of illuminated signs.

The third factor that makes LED signage an effective choice also has to do with their low power consumption. In this case however, let's look at it in terms of energy cost and environmental impact. Generally speaking, LED lighting uses about a sixth the energy of an evenly-bright incandescent bulb, and carbon emissions associated with its use also drop by a similar amount. While making a change from older lighted signs to newer, LED signage could be expensive in the short term, that expense is likely to be recouped over time by way of lower energy costs. Even if you're not ready to make that move though, even switching to an LED open sign can be a small step toward lowering your energy costs.

LED signage, such as an LED open sign or LED scrolling signs, also have the added benefit of being just plain cool-looking. They're bright and colorful, and very eye-catching; even if you set all of their practical advantages, there are not many kinds of signs that can say the way an LED sign can.

The Best Ways to Get Online Car Insurance Quotes

You should not be surprised to know that you can get online car insurance quotes. If you are interested in that, you have landed the correct page. Here, you can find a couple of tips for getting the comprehensive quotes for car insurance.

There are several websites on the internet, which provide online car insurance for you. You can contact them without any difficulty to provide you a car insurance quote by just signing up on their site. At the same time, the cheap online car insurance quote should not carry you away. Although the quotes are comparatively low, but the actual cost will depend on the condition of your car, its make and model and the mileage traveled. All these factors determine the present worth of your car for evaluating the insurance quote. For getting online quote, you will be required to furnish all the details of your car in a prescribed form to receive a correct quote.

Many insurance companies also provide the online calculators, which give you the online quote after filling all the relevant detail of your car. In many cases, these quotes may not be very accurate, as the company has not updated the calculator. This can lead to an incorrect and invalid quote in such a case. You need to confirm that the calculator is updated one. Although the companies may be renewing their sites regularly, it is better to take the quote as approximate cost that you may have to pay.

The very common car insurance companies also keep their agents who may contact you on phone for getting all the details of your car. You can confer with the agent to get online car insurance quote and find out all the relevant details and information including their payback policy that may be useful. You should not just sign up for a company based on their online quote, it is better to negotiate the discounts and bonuses and compare the overall cost with other offers.

One more option to get the online insurance quotes is contacting the online insurance providing companies on their toll-free 1-800 phone numbers. These companies work online, but it is better to ensure their policies for reimbursement. There are frauds as well. You need to be cautious about some fraudulent operators who may cheat you and swindle your money. However, there are reputed and reliable companies that provide online car insurance quotes; you should go for a company only after getting a proper feedback.

It is very essential to obtain insurance quote from a number of companies rather than getting a single quote. This way you can take the advantage to obtain the best offer and at the same time select a reputed and dependable company in this time of recession. Moreover, you should compare the offers and policies to make a best deal to meet your requirements after getting proper feedback so that you save the money and are not deceived. Always ask for the bonuses and the discounts offered by them. You have to put your efforts to get all the information about their reliability and best offers.

If you follow these guidelines, you can get the best online car insurance quote from a reliable company to insure your car to be safe and save your money.

Features And Advantages Of Frigidaire Refrigerators

When it comes to refrigerators, few brands are as respected and popular as Frigidaire. Starting off in 1918, Frigidaire has become an American symbol. The name Frigidaire itself is a pun on the word 'refrigerator'. The brand has managed to retain its significance and consumer base despite having been around for so long. In the 20th century, it was said that a Frigidaire fridge could be found in every second home. Although this may not be true because of the plethora of other companies, the quality and standard of the brand has not dipped.

Affordable, convenient and highly effective, the Frigidaire refrigerators remain a good choice for households.

There are several hundred models, designs and colors to choose from. It is known as the consumer's brand and holds true to the fact. You can find modern refrigerators like the side by side design or traditional "all refrigerators". There are many features which make a Frigidaire fridge stand apart from the rest.


There are options for freezing and not freezing. If you are looking to get something frozen quickly, like ice, the Quick Freeze feature in your Frigidaire fridge will do the job for you. It works much faster than the usual freezer on top of the refrigerator. This way, you can freeze water into ice in a very short time. Frigidaire also offers models without the freezer included. The "all refrigerator" series includes only the fridge and is perfect for people who do not want anything frozen. You can use your Frigidaire fridge to freeze or not freeze any item.

Air Filter

Refrigerants tend to get musty and smelly if they remain closed or shut off for a long period. The air filters tend to get dirty which in turn makes the air inside the refrigerator stale as well. This is not good for the food or beverages you keep inside your fridge. Your Frigidaire fridge will alert you at the moment the air filter is dirty so that you know you have to clean it. This ensures that the air inside your fridge is fresh at all times and that the food you keep inside remains safe.

Water Dispenser

Some models of the Frigidaire refrigerators have a built-in water dispenser. A filtration system is installed to keep the water clean. If you buy a Frigidaire with a water dispensing system, you do not need to keep water bottles or a water cooler in your home. Their will be a dispenser in the door of the fridge which will give you clean and cool water at all times.

Energy Efficiency

Your Frigidaire fridge is an energy efficiency appliance. There is an energy saving mode installed. If you do not use your fridge for more than 24 hours, it will automatically shut down. Moreover, there is an alarm which rings if the door is left open or the fridge is getting too cold on the inside. Your Frigidaire fridge has been built to look after itself.

These features and many others make Frigidaire one of the best brands in the world of refrigerators. If you want to buy one for yourself, a Frigidaire fridge would make a good choice.

The Purpose of a Cone Filter

A trend that has been around for a while is installing the infamous cone filter. The sound is exhilarating to some yet annoying to others. What is the actual purpose of a cone filter?

A cone filter is mainly used in performance vehicles. It is part of an induction kit that is equipped with the pipework. It needs to be installed somewhere where it can suck in cold air. It is a cone shaped device that can be found close to the air flow in the front of the car.

Many people install these devices on a regular car without realizing that it does not make any difference in their driving performance. The driver would also have to replace the air box that was initially part of the engine. Because this vital part has been replaced, the cone filter is now sucking in hot air hence the filter needs to be an unshielded cone filter.

The idea is to get as much air into the engine. The more oxygen is present, the more power the car will be able to achieve. That is, in a different type of engine. A larger engine will need to pull in more air because it is bigger and more powerful then it requires large amounts of oxygen. A smaller, standard four cylinder vehicle will not get much use out of this filter because it can only suck in hot air, which is useless to the performance of a car as hot air has a lower oxygen count.

If you are interested in installing a cone filter you have to remember that the only noticeable difference will be the sound the car will make. The performance will not be increased by a great amount but drivers have claimed that it does make their cars more fuel efficient.

Making sure that the cone filter does not obstruction any pipes and airways is also extremely important. The engine requires oxygen and without constant feed, the system will fail. You will also have to avoid installing the air induction kit where water is present. Water will not combust and can greatly damage the engine.

Performance is what everyone wants when driving. It provides them with an unbeatable reputation and confidence. There are other ways to get this reputation - one is fitting performance tires that suit with your car and another is keeping your car maintained to always look brand new. Avoid installing a cone filter without you only want the sound that it makes when sucking air into the engine.